Rabu, 20 Januari 2010


My mother made the red dress. Penelope has a classic teddy bear character, buttons on her arms and legs. She has coarse fur and no manufacturer's tag.

Li'l Tiger

This bear has no name, no ribbon and no manufacturer's tag. So I tied a tiny scarf around his neck and named him Li'l Tiger (no resemblance to a tiger).

Senin, 18 Januari 2010

Sara Midda

This bear already has a name, Sara Midda, as you can see it on its left foot pad. Or maybe that's the artist name? Does this bear has any connection to Sara Midda, the author of The Book of Days??


This bear is by Russ Berrie Item No. 4798. Her dress reminds me of a New York city yellow cab. So I named her Cabby.

Cherry Pie

Wow, the cherry pie looks yummy. Can I have a slice? The cherry pie bear by Russ Berrie item No. 4796.

Jack in the Box

I've always wanted to have a Jack in the Box. And I got it! but it is not actually a jack in the box, it's more like a bear in the box, tee hee hee. There is a tiny white knob in the right, turn it, and it plays the music Jack in the box.


Chester here is the bluest bear I've ever met. He has long arms, a typical vintage teddy bear.

Gary Barlow Bear

I dedicated this bear to Gary Barlow, my favorite singer/songwriter when I was a teenager (he's still one of my favorite singers now actually). I stiched his name on the left foot pad, see there?

Mom & Baby

I love this bear! It's a mother and a baby. It doesn't have a manufacturer's tag even though I bought it in Seibu in 1998.

Li'l Drummer

This is one of my favorite teddies, Li'l Drummer by Russ Berrie. He has a tiny machine inside his tummy, powered by two AA bateries. When you pushed his tummy, a music played and his head will nod. It was very cute, but too bad, the machine broke. Like other Russ Berrie Teddy Bear, Li'l Drummer's name was written in the manufacturer's ribbon, he is item No. 8170. He's cute, isn't he?


This is Chocolate. He doesn't have a manufacturer's ribbon, there was one but it was in Chinese, as he was made in China. I have Chocolate all my life, can't remember when I got him. He was like more than 30 years old. When I was a kid I used to brought him everywhere, to school, to school trips and to camp. No one knew because I hid it in my bag.


This is Magnolia, a Russ Berrie Teddy Bear. I didn't name her, it was written in the manufacturer's ribbon. She was a birthday gift from my sister.

Kamis, 14 Januari 2010


This is Barrymore, my teddy bear by Russ Berrie. He is 55.9cm, fully jointed golden brown teddy bear with suede pads and leather neck tie. His name is stitched on his left foot pad. I bought him in 1998 and he came with a certificate. At that time, I didn't know what the certificate for but later I discovered that Barry was a rare teddy bear and highly collectible. Barrymore, LE002, was retired in 1997 and was limited to 5000 pieces worldwide. My Barrymore numbered 2446.